Find out more about us here. The company was founded in 2008 and is based in Angermünde. Our productsuse the sun as a natural source of energy for hot water production and Heating support. If our products areused in private households or commercial buildings, this means a great financial saving in energy costs and,above all, a great contribution to environmental protection. Our products are developed by us independentlyand are 100% manufactured in Germany. In doing so, we pay attention to quality and long-term use. and,above all, the duration of the solar systems. Learn more about our company and get to know us here.

Many get confused when it comes tousing solar energy to support their ownhomes. The reason is the termphotovoltaics and what is behind it. Whilesolar thermal energy converts solarenergy into heat, photovoltaics turns itinto electricity.What is then completelydifferent types of use.We explain whichsystem has which advantages and whatcould be the right choice for you. As weall know, the truth lies precisely in of themiddle.
The term solar thermal energy describes the possibility ofusing the sun as a free source of energy. The solar energy isconverted into heat and reused for domestic hot water heatingand heating. This saves raw materials such as oil, gas or coaland protects the environment. We have been in the field ofsolar thermal energy for many We have been working for yearsand want to protect the environment with our unique solarthermal systems and make our customers less dependent onenergy suppliers. In addition to the environmental factor, theenergy cost reduction of a solar system, whether as a privateindividual or commercial customer, is an important advantage.Whether summer or winter, with our solar systems you canprotect yourself and do something good for nature.

The AKOTEC full vacuum tube collectors differfrom other solar systems in many ways. Ourproducts are self-developed and do not come fromabroad, such as China imported, but 100% made inGermany. We stand completely behind ourproducts and want to produce systems that areproven to protect the environment and ourcustomers. help. In doing so, we have solutions forprivate individuals and commercial customers.Whether it is a solution for your home or yourbusiness, we will always find a way to use solarthermal energy. We offer We offer our customershigh-quality products that are easy to install anduncomplicated to follow.
Solar thermal energy is an underestimated source of heat. Many private households are already takingadvantage of the power of the sun as a natural source of energy. In combination with a gas or oil heating, asolar thermal system not only reduces heating costs, but also protects the environment. By using a solarthermal system, 30 – 50% of the energy can be can be saved.
Added to your costs for hot water and heating, this means that you spend 30 – 50% less money on oil and gas!With this savings potential and constantly rising energy costs The investment costs are also amortized after afew years. A lot of money can also be saved with the attractive subsidy opportunities for the installation of asolar system become. However, it is not only the financial incentives that speak in favour of purchasing a solarsystem, the ecological reasons also predominate. The more energy you save, the more reduce CO2 emissions.You are thus protecting your wallet and the environment.
A solar system has important components. The most obviouscomponents of a solar thermal system are the collectors. Type,mounting location and sizing have a large Influence on theperformance of the system. When deciding on a solar system,choosing the right one collector because it is the central elementof the solar system. The collector collects the sun’s rays andconverts them into heat. As a result, the liquid in the Collector isheated and transported through the pipe system to the storagetank. From here, the heat is provided for water heating and / orthe heating system. At In plant planning, however, attention mustalso be paid to control technology, storage and piping. You canfind out exactly what you need and to what extent with our easysystem planner or directly with our employees in person!

How solar systems help the environment: A vacuum tubecollector has several individual tubes in which there is avacuum. Inside the tubes is the absorber that feeds thesolar energy. Due to the vacuum located in the tubes, noheat is released into the environment because no heatcan escape to the outside in a vacuum. There are twodifferent tube collectors: You have the choice betweendirect flow or the heat pipe tubes. Which vacuum tubecollectors are best suited for your home depends onvarious factors and requirements. Both variants can beused to give you assist in the provision of heat for hotwater or heating. By using solar energy, CO2 emissionscan be reduced, which helps to protect the climate andprotects the environment.

The MEGA collector is a large collector specially developed for solar thermal local and district heatingapplications as well as process heating systems. The large collector diameter of D=64 mm allows largecollector surfaces with minimal piping effort. With a pressure loss of 1 bar, a collector with up to 250 m² can beconnected via the interconnection of collector segments without additional Piping can be realized. Thephysically shut down heat pipe tubes prevent overheating, steam formation and the resulting cavitationshocks. The MEGA collector can be used with 3 different tubes, which differ in the maximum operatingtemperature and stagnation temperature.

The MEGA collector can be used with 3 different tubes, which differ in the maximum operatingtemperature and stagnation temperature.
With the MEGA collector, which has a DN 65collector pipe, a collector with a collector area ofup to 500 m² can be connected to a route line. Thesmall-scale There is no division with complex pipeconnections. The MEGA collector uses tubes of theheat pipe design. These tubes are physically limitedto 120 degrees by default and can neither overheatnor produce unwanted steam if the pressure ismaintained correctly. Cavitation shocks areexcluded by this technology. The switch-offtemperature of the tubes can be changeddepending on the can be set between 120°C –160°C according to customer requirements.
- Large collector surfaces without additional piping, low costs and high yield
- Ready-to-use pre-assembled collector segments, which are connected with quick-release couplings toform a large collector
- Overheating protection even without heat absorption, no steam formation, smaller expansion vessels andsystem protection, low temperature loads
- Flat absorber coated on both sides to absorb direct and reflected radiation
- 360° rotatable tube for readjustment of not 100% southern orientation
- Robust glass metal connection for permanent preservation of the high vacuum in the tube
- Nano-coating of each tube for maximum transmission
- Tinox coated absorber and pipe system in vacuum – no material aging or loss of performance
- High hail impact resistance (HW 4)
- Dry integration of the tube into the collector, thus interchangeable during operation


• We supply Power Tubes! These tubes have a coatedabsorber on both sides. The backside uses reflectionareas e.g., a white wall, zinc roof covering or similar. Theenergy yields can be increased up to 40 %. Whenelevating the collectors the backside absorber can beused in the summer time in the morning and the evening.
• Easy and fast assembling through plug-in system andone-man-assembling
• Full vacuumtube, absorber and heat transport tube invacuum (no ageing of the absorber)
• Over 25 years stable energy yields and 20 yearsguarantee(no ageing of the absorber)
Our distuingishing features:
- Tubes 360° rotateable
- Flat facade assembling possible → Useful inregions with snow
- No overheating → Physical shut down functionof the heat pipe at 100° C
- Distance between tubes always the same –many collectors can be connected gapless
- Collector top- and foot case are available in213 RAL colours – perfect adaption to roof orwall
- Production of the collectors in Germany
- High quality, good value for money