Membrane and MBR Technology Wastewater Treatment

The company ARSIN Systems AG

Water is the necessary basis for all life. ArsinSystems guarantees the highest level ofwastewater treatment with the membranefilters in the siClaro series and the biologicalsewage treatment plants in the BMA series.

Arsin Systems ensures that water is free frompathogenic microorganisms, contains noenvironmentally-harmful pollutants and iscleaned of turbid matter that could affectquality. This way, the water can be re-used tosave natural resources.


Our future orientated and innovativeproducts are aimed at the continuousimprovement in the quality of life. As anenvironmental protection company, we also seeour job in the field of ‘Healthcare’, in particular theprotection and hygienic improvement of water as abasis of existence.

The guideline for all our actions is to make the bestpossible water protection technology accessibleunder economic conditions. In this way we give ourcustomers the possibility of actively contributingto environmental protection.

Competence :

With the experience of over 1,000installed systems and over 10 years of technicaldevelopment work in the field of municipal andindustrial water treatment we have managed to makemembrane technology economically viable for world-wide applications through our products siClaro andBMA.

Highly qualified and dedicated experts in thefields of research and development, production,sales, commercial and technical handling as wellas our comprehensive aftersales servicequarantee the success of our products.

Ultrafiltration with siClaro® Membrane Filters

The mean pore diameter of the membranes is only thirtyfivemillionths of a millimetre (0.000035 mm).

In comparison, thediameterofan enteric bacteria (E-Coli) is thousandth of a millimetre (0.001 mm), so that the siC/aro®membrane represents an impassable barrier for these bacteria.

Ultrafiltration with siClaro® membrane filters

The ultrafiltration membrane used in the siClaro® purification plantseparates smallest particles up to the colloids of the liquids merely on aphysical basis due to their defined pore sizes (< 0,1 ?m). The membraneholds these substances back without changing them either physically orchemically. Thus dangerous substances cannot originate. We use flatmembranes optimized for used deriving from organic polymers that arevery effective in their usage when combined with the advantageous filterconstruction to prevent clogging in the filter due to hairs, fibers or otherunhygienic coarse substances.


The filtrate gained from the plant meets the high quality standardsrequired for bathing water according to Regulation 75/160/EEC (“EWG” European Economic Community) of the Council of theEuropean Union. Our ultra filtration membrane constitutes anabsolute barrier for bacteria and large viruses, as, for example, thedangerous pathogenic agent of infantile palsy. Smallest organicmolecules, metallic ions and dissolvable salts as well, partlyessential for life, can pass the ultrafiltration membranes.

  • 7 m² to 875 m² per filter module

  • High flexibility and adaption to load and flow variations

  • Highest package density in class

  • Modular MBR system

  • More than 1.000 references

Small MBR plants

  • Individual MBR plants with FM Filter Modules (4 – 50 PE)

  • Certification procedure at DIBt, Germany


There is a huge demand for modern, efficientwastewater treatment systems in municipalapplications. From biodegradation of organiccomponents, advanced nutrient eliminationright through to purification – Arsin Systemsoffers the optimum solution for every need.

Low investment costs:

Simple installation of the membrane segments

low technical periphery by abandoning periodicpermeate backflow shoes

Small activation volume due to high MLSSconcentrations

Space-saving design, small footprint.

Low operation costs:

Minimal energy demand for scouring aeration dueto the patented sequential cleaning of themembrane surface

Minimal consumption of chemicals for cleaningdue to the patented filtration cell

Minimal energy demand for filtrate outlet due tolow transmembrane pressures

Long membrane lifetime due to gentle filtration

No risk of blocking or clogging due to the rotatingmovements, intensive turbulence

Simple maintenance


MBR Plant Projects

Golf Development

Plant Layout underground MBR WwTP 8.000 PE

Pwc – Waste water treatment plants for parking areas

Parking space

• 96 Cars 

• 35 Trucks

• 6 Busses 

• 6 Caravanes

MBR-Pilot Plants

Type: WaterMem Compact 

  • Capacity: 2 m³ (aerated vessel with membrane)
  • Membrane-filter-surface: 7 m²
  • Flow rate approx.: 50 l/h
  • Space requirements: 2,0 x 2,0 m (MBR-plant)
  • Main voltage: 240 V/50 Hz

Automotive Industry MBR-RO-Sludgetreatment

International Airport Larnaca/ Cyprus Treatment of Airplane Toilet Waste Water

Castle Ahrentahl, Sinzig, Germany

References (extract)

  • AUDI AG, Münchsmünster Industrial wastewater, planning chemical physical treatment plant
  • AUDI AG, Ingolstadt Industrial wastewater treatment, MBR Pilot plant
  • AUDI AG, Ingolstadt Investigation of measures for process-water recycling
  • AUDI AG, Ingolstadt Industrial wastewater treatment, Planning of MBR WwTP
  • AUDI AG, Györ HUN Industrial wastewater treatment, Planning of MBR WwTP
  • Daimler AG, Saltillo Mexico Delicery chemical physical treatment plant, Reverse osmosis for DI Water
  • Landfill, Singhofen Delicery MBR WwTP, Leached waste water
  • Psaltashydroslutions, Cyprus MBR WwTP, Aeroplane toilet waste water
  • Vitrunlan, Haselbach Industrial wastewater treatment, MBR Pilot plant glass fibred production

More than 500 municipality MBR WwTP references