Basically, plasma is the thermal energy only at the highest temperature. Plasma in nature, is produced after the air around the lightning is converted into approximately 20.000 °C when the thunderbolt heats up the air enormously. As the Plasma is sometimes called as the fourth form of element other than the forms of gas, liquid or solid.

Our aim is, not only take place of the most common methodology of burning the solid waste, but by using the effective and environmentally friendly methods, to reach highest efficiency and highest valuable products. Plasma gasification technology is the most effective and environmentally friendly method for solid waste treatment and energy utilization.

Working Principle of Plasma Technology:

It is applied by giving electricity to torches and an arc is created between the torch electrots. Gas, which does not transmit the electricity, is passed through these two electrots and hence a Plasma, which has an internal temperature of 10.000 ° C -14.000° C, is obtained. In this case, the temperature in the edge of the torch is around 2.500 ° C -5.000 ° C. The waste disposal is directly transferred to the top of the heat converter and collected in the container of the reactor. The transferred plasma torches directed to the container in the high temperatures cannot burn the organic materials as there is no oxygen at such high temperature. Hence, a gas is produced in which carbonmonoxide (CO), Hydrogen (H₂) and Nitrogen (N) exists. This gas is processed and directed to synthetic turbine or gas motors to produce electrical energy.

Economical Assessment of Plasma Plant:

A Plasma Plant is relatively more economic from the investment cost perspective compared to conventional burning plants having similar capacity and size.The operation costs are also relatively low compared to sdandard burning plants. Considering the high level elimination costs for clinical and dangerous wastes, the investment costs for a Plasma Plant can be amortized in a very short time.

Greenhouse Gas Effect of a Plasma Plant:

Greenhouse Gas is usually used in the Combined Cycle Power Plants (CCPP) and converted into electrical energy. It would be more optimum to use it in a Two Combined Cycle Power Plant. When GHG(Green House Gas) emissions are taken into account, it does not damage the environment as SOX and NOX production are negligibly small amount. It has the same emission values with a Natural Gas Power Plant.

Environmental Effect of a Plasma Plant

Plasma gasification technology has been demonstrated in recent studies as one of the most effective and environmentally friendly methods for solid waste treatment and energy utilization. All the detrimental pollutants in greenhouse gas are washed and sent away before the inlet of the Gas Turbine or Steam Turbine. Consequently, no need to clean up the turbine exhaust gas. The emission amounts of a Plasma Plant is relatively low compared to a conventional thermal power plant or burning plant considering the SOX, NOX, mercury, volatile metals and particules are considered. In a conventional burning plant, the operation costs are extremely pricely considering the sulfur output, ash, washing-clay, final treatment, transportation and final storing.

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